Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wiley Coyotes

We were abruptly awakened last night by the howling of at least two coyotes down the street from our house. It was the weirdest thing. Kind of eery and ominous. It reminded me of when we drove cross country and parked in the middle of nowhere in Utah to sleep in the back of Groucho (the pickup truck) for the night. We had eaten hamburgers at a take out place and stuck the bag of garbage up on the roof to get it out of the way. We woke up to coyotes just outside the truck howling and carrying on. The next morning their footprints were all around us. Anyway, it was surreal to hear them 20 miles from Boston. Pete was disappointed that both cats were safely in the house at the time.


Anonymous said...

Just don't let the dingos eat your baby.

Anonymous said...

Darn! I wanted to make that joke first. :P

S@L said...

coyotes (why isn't that word spelled 'caiyotes'? there is nothing 'coy' about those things. but wait - where was I...)

Anyway my point was that coyotes sound creepy at night, don't they?

was that comment not worth the wait? :-)

(PS - ha ha dingos!)

Anonymous said...

I was very, very disappointed. One of the cats has been going out more and more often.

One down? Not yet.

And S@L, all of your comments are pure gold.