Monday, June 29, 2009

Playgroup, Then and Now

This picture of Playgroup was taken June 28th, 2006.
L to R: Hannah L, Laura, Nina, Corinne, Emma
(this was how Corinne was at every play group)

This one was taken June 26, 2009.
L to R: Hannah W, Corinne, Laura, Emma, Nina, Hannah L, Kayla

Can't believe how big they've gotten, and how far Corinne has come.


Meghan said...

props to the photographer who managed not to drop the camera in the pool

June said...

What a beautiful sight and how far little Corinne has come.

Unknown said...

Wow, it's funny to look back on them and see how grown up they are now...sniffle...sniffle.....

Mom said...

AWWW they are so cute. I can't believe how much Corinne has changed physically and socially.